Installation on Linux

Installing RPM packages

We provide RPM-based packages for openSUSE, RHEL and CentOS7. First you have to add the openSUSE repository matching your installation. Go to our OBS page, copy the URL that says “Go to download repository” and use that URL with:

opensuse $ zypper addrepo <URL> repo-ufo-kit
centos $ wget <URL>/home:ufo-kit.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ufo-kit.repo

Now update the repositories and install the framework and plugins:

opensuse $ zypper install ufo-core ufo-filters
centos $ yum install ufo-core ufo-filters

Installing Debian packages

UFO is part of Debian Sid and thus also available since Ubuntu 17.04. To install both the core framework and the filters install:

$ apt install libufo-bin libufo-dev ufo-filters

Installing from source

If you want to build the most recent development version, you have to clone the source from our repository, install all required dependencies and compile the source.

Retrieving the source code

In an empty directory, issue the following commands to retrieve the current unstable version of the source:

$ git clone
$ git clone

The latter is used for developers who have write-access to the corresponding repositories. All stable versions are tagged. To see a list of all releases issue:

$ git tag -l

Installing dependencies

UFO has only a few hard source dependencies: GLib 2.0, JSON-GLib 1.0 and a valid OpenCL installation. Furthermore, it is necessary to build the framework with a recent version of CMake. Sphinx is used to create this documentation. This gives you a bare minimum with reduced functionality. To build all plugins, you also have to install dependencies required by the plugins.

OpenCL development files must be installed in order to build UFO. However, we cannot give general advices as installation procedures vary between different vendors. However, our CMake build facility is in most cases intelligent enough to find header files and libraries for NVIDIA CUDA and AMD APP SDKs.


On Debian or Debian-based system the following packages are required to build ufo-core:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libglib2.0-dev libjson-glib-dev

You will also need an OpenCL ICD loader. To simply get the build running, you can install

$ sudo apt-get install ocl-icd-opencl-dev

Generating the introspection files for interfacing with third-party languages such as Python you must install

$ sudo apt-get install gobject-introspection libgirepository1.0-dev

and advised to install

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev

To use the ufo-mkfilter script you also need the jinja2 Python package:

$ sudo apt-get install python-jinja2

Building the reference documentation and the Sphinx manual requires:

$ sudo apt-get install gtk-doc-tools python-sphinx

Additionally the following packages are recommended for some of the plugins:

$ sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev

openSUSE and CentOS7

For openSUSE (zypper) and CentOS7 the following packages should get you started:

$ [zypper|yum] install cmake gcc gcc-c++ glib2-devel json-glib-devel

Additionally the following packages are recommended for some of the plugins:

$ [zypper|yum] install libtiff-devel

Building ufo-core

Change into another empty build directory and issue the following commands to configure

$ cmake <path-to-ufo>

CMake will notify you, if some of the dependencies are not met. In case you want to install the library system-wide on a 64-bit machine you should generate the Makefiles with

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib64 <path-to-ufo>

For earlier versions of PyGObject, it is necessary that the introspection files are located under /usr not /usr/local. You can force the prefix by calling

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr <path-to-ufo>

Last but not least build the framework, introspection files, API reference and the documentation using

$ make

You should now run some basic tests with

$ make test

If everything went well, you can install the library with

$ make install

Building ufo-filters

Once ufo-core is installed you can build the filter suite in a pretty similar way

$ mkdir -p build/ufo-filters
$ cd build/ufo-filters
$ cmake <path-to-ufo-filters> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib64
$ make
$ make install

Python support

ufo-core has GObject introspection to let third-party languages interface with the library. To build the support files you need the GObject introspection scanner g-ir-scanner and compiler g-ir-compiler which you can get on openSUSE via

$ zypper install gobject-introspection-devel python-gobject2

In the python/ subdirectory of the source distribution, additional Python modules to interface more easily with the framework is provided. To install the NumPy module and the high-level interface run

$ cd python/ && python setup install

Refer to the README for additional information.